Last Updated: August 8, 2023
• Curve Finance recently recouped 73% of the funds lost in a reentrancy vulnerability exploit, with white hat hackers playing a key role.
• PeckShieldAlert noted that $22 million of the stolen funds have been voluntarily returned, including 7,258 ETH and 4,821 altH.
• Over $18 million are still unaccounted for at this time despite Curve giving an August 6th deadline to return 90% of the stolen funds.
Curve Finance Recoups 73% of Stolen Funds
Curve Finance recently recovered 73% of the digital assets lost in the recent exploit regarding its reentrancy vulnerability. White hat hackers played an instrumental role in recovering this substantial amount of money.
Voluntary Return of Funds
PeckShieldAlert reported on the return of $22 million from AlchemixFi hacker, including 7,258 ETH and 4,821 altH tokens. Additionally Alchemix’s Operation White Hat was able to recover $13 million belonging to other parties. An ethical hacker known as “c0ffeebabe.eth” was able to retrieve $7 million from various protocols such as Metronome and Curve Trading Pool. Jpegd frontrunner further relinquished $11.5 million equating to 90% of the originally stolen funds or 5,495.4 WETH tokens as part of their voluntary return efforts.
Deadline Passes With Unaccounted Funds
Despite giving a grace period for voluntary returns until August 6th and requesting that 90% be returned by then, more than $18 million remain unaccounted for at this time. It is uncertain whether any additional voluntary returns will occur in subsequent days but Curve has stated that it will not pursue further action if all remaining funds are returned in full.
How To Protect From Hacks & Scams?
Crypto users can protect themselves from hacks and scams by following certain resources like reading up on how Another Token Bridge Got Hacked or staying current on data about crypto funds struggling despite BTC’s rebound .
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